Water issues in Palestine


Whereabouts of the new Middle East crisis that Trump has pulled the ...

Water issues in Palestine Whereabouts Jerusalem Israel capital certification of the new Middle East crisis that Trump has pulled the trigger Trump President Jerusalem is certified that it is the capital of Israel, it has announced that currently, to transfer the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In Palestine and the Arab world has spread rebound. Resolution calling for a decision to the Disabled withdraw, the United Nations Security Council but was scrapped in the US veto in the United Nations General Assembly passed a number overwhelming favor, the United States of isolation became clear. Whether the decision of Mr. this time of Trump will bring something to the Middle East and the world. Spark of the Jerusalem issue is a new Middle East crisis Spark of the Jerusalem issue is a new Middle East crisis Trump president broke the premise of peace Jerusalem is in the old town of the size of square kilometers, surrounded by walls, Jewish holy sites [Western Wall], stand in the place where Jesus Christ is said to have buried [Church of the Holy Sepulcher], Islamic Holy Land [Al-Aqsa - there is a sacred place of that One of the religion mosque].

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