Water issues in Palestine


Water issues in Palestine

Water issues in Palestine Trump era and the Middle East world-past of the current thinking about the future - Middle East water problems among the crisis [us] Although the importance of oil resources is being discussed in the Middle East as the main cause of the children of the photo-to-Iraq war that draw water directly to the bottle from the water pipe, the water resources in the region as well, as the central issue of the Middle East problem, more would it be attention. The first next Middle East war of the background of the year, is well known that there was a conflict between Syria and Israel Concerning water of the Jordan River. Israel then over the years has continued to dominate contrary to the Golan Heights and continue to the West Bank Gaza military occupation, on the other hand to international law the water resources of Palestine. Israel, from aquifers in the occupied territories of the underground, took more than a split of the available amount of water, has been consumed by the Israeli territory and settlements.

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